


Loaning money from your corporation: A cautionary tale (newsletter)

What to know about loaning yourself money from your corporation.


Newsletter: First Home Savings Accounts

This quarterly newsletter focuses on First Home Savings Accounts, and how they work. Issue61-Personal.pdf*****************************Cette lettre d'information trimestrielle se concentre sur les comptes d'épargne-logement et leur fonctionnement.FR-Issue61-Personal.pdf


When the taxman has questions about your return...

The CRA does not (and cannot possibly) do a manual review of the information provided in a return prior to issuing the Notice of Assessment. Rather, all returns are scanned...


Managing debt in a rising interest rate environment

The impact of the recent rapid increase in interest rates on average Canadians can’t really be overstated. A common measure of individual indebtedness is the ratio of debt to disposable...


Planning ahead for 2023: Employee Deductions

Wach taxpayer’s situation is unique and so the employer has to have some guidance as to how much to deduct and remit on behalf of each employee. That guidance is...


Planning for home office expense claims

As the necessity and availability of work-from-home arrangements changed over the past three years, so too did the tax rules under which employees could claim a deduction for home office...


Year-end planning for medical expense claims

Our tax system provides a medical expense tax credit to help offset out-of-pocket medical and para-medical costs which must be incurred by individuals.


A new tool for retirement income planning

With all of the demographic and financial realities of retirement in mind, a new kind of annuity – the advanced life deferred annuity or ALDA - was created. As is...


The new Multi-Generational Home Renovation Tax Credit

The housing crisis in Canada led the federal government to propose a number of measures to address the housing needs of Canadians. One of those measures – the Multi-Generational Home...